Have you heard of a lot of ideas regarding Working Capital Management, Inventory Management, Project Cost Management, Cash Flow improvements and yet struggling to implement them? What if you didn’t have to pay for effective and efficient ideas? Wouldn’t it be nice to only pay when great ideas are executed and have actually generated real savings – real money?! Let’s combine Data, Technology and Human Talent to produce extra ordinary results!
That’s what we can do for you! We can guarantee at least 30% savings in costs of existing accounting operations. Your CFO is going to love it!
Some quick case studies:
“Relevant, accurate and timely reports are helping a Purchase Manager to purchase around lowest 3 purchases of last 6 months. The contractor client is able to save 3% in purchase price on an average. Out of total revenues of $ 3 M, material purchases were $ 1.2 M. So savings is $ 36,000 every year.
Are your purchases in range of lowest 3? Get more than ** purchases and inventory reports to ensure efficient purchases. Accuracy and timeliness guaranteed.”
“A contractor is identifying exact and all reimbursements to be claimed from customers and he is able to increase revenues by 2%. Calculate amount for 4 million dollar revenue, it comes to $ 80,000.”
Are you sure you are charging 100% of expenses to the jobs? Get more than ** Job Costing reports to increase job profitability, decrease job costing and improve job cash flows. Accuracy and timeliness guaranteed.
“A manufacturer said that in ast quarter he might have made $ 125,000 to $150,000. And sadly actual and exact data reflected profit of $ 110,0000 and net cash flow of $ 75,000. Cash flows, budgets and financial statements analysis are helping then to identify leakages and improve profitability and cash flows by $ 30,0000 to $ 50,0000 every quarter.”
Do you know what is your accurate profit and cash flow for last quarter? Get reliable financial statements, cash flow analysis and projection and budgetary reports.
“Timely billing and collection reduced cash requirements of a healthcare contracting firm and removed his dependence on line of credit and made them cash rich.”
Is your Accounts Receivable function efficient enough to make timely billing? Get more than ** AR reports and improve cash flows. Accuracy and timeliness guaranteed.
“A manufacturing company is avoiding costly errors that happened in past. They had placed an order to purchase 250,000 pieces of an item at the rate of $ 1.69. Staff of their supplier changed and the bill was raised at the rate of $1.79 by mistake. The error had cost of $ 10,000.”
Are you sure you are paying all the purchases and expenses at agreed upon prices? Get more than ** Accounts Payable reports to optimize working capital requirements and rest assured that you are paying what is actually due!
“A manufacturing company is avoiding costly errors that happened in past. ABC metal Fabricators received an erroneous bill for material not order by them. Supplier’s bookkeeper invoiced ABC Metal Fabricators instead of ABC Metal Sheets. The error had cost of $ 15,000.
Are you sure you are paying for purchases actually made by you? Get more than ** Accounts Payable reports to optimize working capital requirements and rest assured that you are paying what is actually due!”
“A contractor is able to save 30% of cost of traditional accounting department. For monthly cost of $12,000, the savings are $ 43,200 every year, for a sustainable and reliable accounting tea, generating more than 72 reliable reports on timely basis.”
We take care of the whole value chain of record keeping, data entry, book keeping, data verification, analytics and report discussion with CFO and management. Is your in house accounting team able to execute all the ideas for maximizing profits and cash flows? We help to Mitigate Challenges associated with Traditional Accounting Department:
” Eliminate Hiring, Training & Development Costs.”
- Minimize Investment in Infrastructure
- No need to deal with Aspirations for Wage Hike and Promotion
- Benefits of Operational Best Practices
- Efficiency Measurement & Improvement
- No worries about Accommodating Temporary Leaves & Vacancies
- No stress of High Employees Turnover Ratio
- Flexibility & Scalability
YOU SHOULD FOCUS YOUR TIME AND ENERGY ON THE THINGS YOU DO BEST – YOUR CORE BUSINESS Non-core activities need to be as lean and efficient as possible. Companies, both large and small, are turning to Turn Key Accounting & Financial Consultants as a way to improve performance, manage costs and provide a level of flexibility in resourcing and skills.
High Performance Guarantee
Black Box Consultancy Services Inc.
The Process
Step 1: Define and Document
Define everything about Reports, Inputs, Data flow, Responsibilities and Data Security -
Step 2: Training and Assurance:
Train your in house team and ensure that they are aligned to follow the improved processes. Take over activities that are not taken care by existing team. -
Step 3: On going execution and Monitoring
Implementation of task management system to ensure accuracy and timeliness of all functions. Provide ack up support to the client to fill casual gaps. -
Step 4: Review and Update
No system or process is timeless. Review and upgrade systems, processes and talent to ensure that the accounting function is world class.